Happy Holidays from your partners at Diamond Financial
We want to wish you, your staff, and all your families a safe, healthy, and Happy Holiday season and a prosperous New Year
Building success through the sharing of information.
By Steve Mariani
December 2022
It’s hard to believe that yet another year is behind us. A crazy one for sure with COVID still hanging around and interest rates through the roof. When businesses, buyers and sellers are all over the map in their thinking, navigating these times can seem almost impossible.
Each December, I find myself taking a step back and truly reviewing the brokers and clients we’ve worked with throughout the year. Yes, there were a few clients we assisted that we wished we hadn’t (not really, but almost) and others hugely appreciative of the expertise our managers brought to their transactions. It is the later that motivates our staff, along with the multitude of thank you letters we receive each year from people whose lives we’ve changed forever. I am so very grateful to be in an industry that effects and changes so many lives every day. Working with top level brokers around the country to assist clients in securing their financial future is as rewarding to me as it gets.
Building continuing broker relationships has always been our goal and this year we’re proud to announce that we’ve assisted more industry offices than ever before. Whether we’re providing SBA answers through our specific broker Q&A, or directly handling the entire transaction, we are committed to growing the business broker volume, and awareness, throughout the country.
During these special holiday weeks, our office wishes to share the Happiness and Joy of this Holiday season with all of our industry professionals around the country. Know that we recognize and appreciate all your contributions throughout the year.
Thank you all for your continued business and please enjoy your time off and spend it with those!
Steve Mariani
Owner, Diamond Financial Services
(919) 782-3101